Classic Glamour W/ Style Magz
===The Hottest Business In Second Life:
=====Because we are Simply the Best!
The focus of our Advertisement is to promote our Sponsors and Models to make you and your business be well known here in second life.
Now you could advertise yourself as a Model and as a designers in secondlife.
Check this out!
Why? we could make you more well-known and famous in second life? Classic Glamor W/ Style Magz will be the only one who offer these to Models and designers for such a great price.
When you advertise with us, we will do the following:
1st - we will post your ads in our Magazine
2nd - we will publish it in our blog
3rd - we will put your Model portfolio and business information to our ad on our youtube video- so not only second life can view about you in sl, real life can too.

For Such a Great Ad Price:
L$2000 for 2 pages ad with your picture and your Model resume or business info's. and pictures to be posted to our youtube video
===== Just simply enclose your application and put your resume or note about your business on the note.

Your Dealing With Simply The Best in SL!
Anrol Anthony
Steve101 McCullough